Thursday, October 25, 2012

A positive effect of the Industrial Revolution is Urbanization. Urbanization is the movement of people to cities because of city building. This provided people with a variety of different job opportunities. It also increased population around factories. Urbanization was caused mainly by industrialization only. Urbanization opened up new opportunities for citizens and provided positive results. Another positive effect of Industrialization is education. Many kids started receiving education instead of working long hours in the factories. Laws were passed requiring kids to go to school. This resulting in the kids pursing a higher office job in their future, rather than working in the factories or mines for the rest of their life. Education resulted in a smarter, more productive generation. The inventing of new technological inventions is a another positive effect on the Industrial Revolution. Competition increased, leading in the increase of sales, and better quality in the products produced in factories. Factories were more efficient, because of the high fluctuation in sales. New inventions led to easier, quicker ways to produce and achieve daily activities. The Spinning Jenny and Power Loom are 2 examples of how the production rate doubled after the invention of these 2 useful tools. The inventing of new items also spurred other inventions, basically causing a chain reaction. This caused the cities and factories to prosper, ending with a positive effect. However, the Industrial Revolution had negative effects as well. One negative effect is child labor. Child labor was putting young children into dangerous factories, working as many hours as the average man. These children were not well Fed and physically and mentally exhausted from all of the work. Since children were working in factories, they were not getting the education the needed. They were also not given breaks, and be aten if they were sluggish or slacking. Because of the harmful Working conditions and cramped work space many children got diseases and sickness. This decreased production rate because of the lessening of workers. Since so many factories were being built, children were needed to fill the jobs that should of been done by someone much older. The conditions in coal mines were so dangerous and harmful to humans, being a negative effect. The workers were at constant risk. Floods could accur, trapping the workers underground. The work spaces were tight and hot. Many passed out because of the little air flow, got lung disease, or poisoned by the coal fumes. People who worked in the coal mines were paid less than those in factories. The job of a coal miner was very dangerous, but since coal is a needed resource, someone had to do it. The last mjor negative effect on the Industrial Revolution is changing role of women. Not only were women not allowed certain jobs, but the ones they were allowed,, they were still paid less than men. Since women were sent to work to provide for their families, their children were unattened. This led to the children going and working in factories. Women also had no time for housework. If women worked in the factories, their dress code was harazerdous. Their long skirts and blouses could get caught in machinery and kill them. Even though women performed the same jobs as men, they were still discriminated.

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